Professionals with a variety of unique tools
and resources to investigate corporate, civil,
domestic, and criminal investigations. We are
confident that our skills and qualifications will
exceed your expectations. Well versed in civil and
criminal investigations, specializing in attaining
surveillance, covert surveillance, securing sworn
statements and testifying in court.
Related Experience and Qualifications
Retired Law Enforcement Officer| Investigation
Collaborated with DEA, FBI, FDLE, U.S.
Marshals, and Cross Sworn with local Sheriff's
Offices as well as sworn as a Special
Investigator with the State Attorney’s Office to
investigate special cases and provide
information on criminal activities. Managed
undercover cases on behalf of multiple
Sheriff’s Offices, SIU, FBI, DEA, US Marshals,
and State Attorney’s Offices.
Recognized for successfully working with the
Transportation Security Administration
Intelligence. Accountability for serving in an
undercover capacity, managing Title 3
wiretaps, surveillance, drug interdiction, fraud,
theft, burglary, providing courtroom testimony,
seizing tangible properties.
Law Enforcement Certifications-Advanced
Report Writing, Surveillance Techniques,
FCIC/NCIC, Interview and Interrogations,
FDLE Evidence Training, Multi-jurisdictional
Task Force Training, Field Training Officer,
Firearms Instructor, Background
Investigations, Criminal Justice Degree, etc.